Mobile experience to check CR
What is a good starting point when thinking about mobile experience?
Mobile traffic share and its conversion rate
What is the easiest technique to see the the mobile traffic share (% of total) progress over time?
- Using one of the data related to secondary dimensions(eg: month of the year),export the data and play with it outside GA
What should be mobile conversion rate compared desktop conversion rate?
- At least half of it
You found out that your mobile experience sucks, which secondary dimension is a good place to start?
- Screen resoultion
Once you find out that some resolution doesn’t work what would you do as a next step?
- Open a browser console and try to simulate a user experience on particular resolution.
Is it possible to simulate a mobile experience or particular screen resolution in a desktop browser?
- Yes, by opening browser´s Dev tools
What is default report “All pages” sorted by page views showing you?
- Which pages are the most popular
What will you able to see once you have implemented content grouping?
- It will group some pages into bigger groups so I can see for example summary data for all product detail pages or call category pages.
What data will you find in “Navigation summary”?
- Where does traffic to particalar comes from and where do they go after viewing this page
Which technique will help you to avoid irrelevant data (for example: pages with high bounce rate, but very small traffic) when you sort it by some percentage metric?
- Weighted average sort type filter
Which of the following statements about “Bounce rate” and “% Exits” is TRUE?
- Every bounce rate is also an exit