How to run a customer interview correctly
Best practices for getting real and helpful feedback
We have to make sure we get the most accurate and helpful information
Our topic is NOT going to be our product
#1 Don’t talk about our solution
- Talk about their problems
- “Customers might not know what they want, but they can’t hide what they need”
#2 Don’t talk about our own opinions
- The customer should talk more than us
- The point is to get off point
- Sometimes we might get new ideas from their answers
#3 Create a comfortable environment
- Don’t ask questions that might make them nervous or uncomfortable
- Don’t react negatively to their feedback
- Respond in a neutral, non-judgemental way
#4 Don’t force the conversation, guide it
- Let them talk about what they care about
- You can get more information this way
Tip: Whenever we get stuck, say: “That’s interesting, tell me more.”
Try to get an answer to these questions:
Who are our customer?
What are their habits?
When do they need our product?
Where do they need it?
Why to they need it?
The more conversations we have, the more we can understand.
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