How to find interviewees Internally
2 min readFeb 5, 2019
Where to find people to talk to when we are in the post-product phase
We already have a list of customers or people that are interested in our product
We can contact all our users, but it comes off very spammy if we do it this way, and we’re going to have a hard time getting them to talk because it will be a cold email
The best customers to talk to are people that are enthusiastic or have a problem with something in your product
#1 Use your company’s live chat system
- examples: olark,,
- passive approach — ask to see the chat logs from our customers, to see what they’re saying, find individual people that meet our criteria and message them referring to what they said
- active approach — we can talk to people randomly or wait for specific users to come online
- ask the people who are in charge of solving users’ problems to ask these people if they would be willing to talk to a product manager for 10 minutes
#2 Your blog
- look at the people who are commenting
- they are probably users and they want to be heard
#3 Power users
- these are people who use our product frequently, or buying things often, sending messages often
- they are more informed about your product and they’re more invested in it, so there’s a good chance that they’ll be interested to talk
#4 Twitter
- look at who is tweeting at me, replying, or sharing our posts
- it will be easier to get these people to talk to me
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